Friday, September 13, 2013

Un telefon nou

Vrei un telefon nou si o factura mai mica?


Iphone 5s vs Samsung Galaxy S4

Now that Apple Inc.  has release the highly anticipated iPhone 5S smartphone, it’s time to see how it compares to the Samsung Galaxy S4. Both phones are in the lead in the market, and for good reason. These phones feature sleek designs and impressive features that put them in the high-end category. Unfortunately, both phones are still just reduxes of the previous generations, however the iPhone 5S has delivered a fresh new take with fingerprint sensor security and a better camera.

iPhone 5S vs. Galaxy S4

galaxy s4 vs. iPhone 5S
Discovery News gave an in-depth comparison report on both devices, offering positive aspects on what each phone delivers. In terms of design, Apple Inc. wins. The iPhone 5S is light and thin. It also comes in three metallic color options including silver, gold, and space gray. By comparison, the Galaxy S4 is a bulky device made from plastic.
Fortunately for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the Galaxy S4 wins in the display department. It features a larger screen which offers more room for watching videos, exploring the Internet, and playing games.
When it comes to software and interface, both fare well, but the S4 beats 5S with lock screen customizations. For specifications and overall performance, the iPhone 5S wins hand down.
Discovery News explained, “The iPhone 5s sports an all-new A7 chip and 64-bit architecture that promises double the performance and graphics might. And the iPhone 5 was already one of the fastest phones on the market. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) showed off these performance gains at its launch event with the upcoming Infinity Blade , which promises to blow away every Android game when it comes to eye candy. Assuming developers embrace the A7 chip quickly, a new wave of high-performance apps could sway some users from the S4 to the iPhone 5s.”
The iPhone 5S and Galaxy S4 are both great phones, which means the best phone is completely up to personal preference.

Iphone 5s

So, Apple has unveiled its latest flagship smartphone, the iPhone 5S. Sporting a fingerprint sensor and an improved camera, while being up to twice as fast as the previous generation, the iPhone 5S looks to be another stellar smartphone entry.


The iPhone 5S starts at £549 ($649) for a model with 16GB of storage, with prices going up from there, through £629 ($749) for 32GB, and hitting a hefty £709 ($849) for 64GB of storage. Compared with last year's iPhone 5, the starting price is £20 higher, and makes it more expensive than competition from the likes of HTC (HTC One: £450 for 32GB), Samsung (Galaxy S4 16GB £432, 32GB £525) though not Sony (Experia Z1 16GB £599).
Prices on-contract, directly from mobile phone operators, will be slightly lower when taken out with relatively expensive monthly plans.


For the iPhone 5S, Apple has improved the camera compared to previous iPhones by physically increasing the size of the image sensor. That should mean significantly higher low-light performance, which should result in better pictures captured in the often-poor lighting conditions users find themselves in. Apple also showed off a dual-colour LED flash, which monitors the prevailing light and tries to provide a better colour mix by providing the right mixture of lights (more yellow or more blue, depending on the conditions). Notably, neither the HTC One nor Samsung Galaxy S4 has this.
Party photos from bars, pubs and dimly-lit homes should be clearer, sharper, and with better colours compared to pictures captured by the iPhone 5 and 4S.


The iPhone 5S marks Apple's first introduction of a fingerprint reader called "Touch ID". The sensor sits under the traditional home button, allowing users to unlock their iPhones just by holding their finger on the home button. It's a major leap forward in both phone security and usability, because users will not have to use PINs or passwords. Touch ID will also allow the user to purchase music, apps and videos from Apple's iTunes Store on the phone.
Five fingerprints can be stored on the device to unlock the iPhone but do not all have to be associated with your iTunes account. Your kids could thus have a fingerprint to unlock your phone, but not to buy apps, videos and music, which could save you from some very expensive bills. Apple says your fingerprint data - in a coded form which is not a picture of your print - is only stored on your phone, and it isn't sent over the internet or stored on Apple's servers.
While Apple has barely changed the design of the iPhone 5S compared with last year's iPhone 5 – maintaining its pin-sharp 4-inch retina screen and thin and light body – it is available in a new colour: gold. The traditional black (rebranded as "space grey") and white ("silver") colours are still available, however.
iOS 7, a complete redesign of Apple's mobile operating system, is also launching with the iPhone 5S. It aims to revitalise iOS, which has essentially used the same design language since its introduction in 2007, and has taken the approach of "flat" yet colourful design. Improvements are available across the board for all of Apple's built-in apps such as Mail, iMessages, Calendar and Photos. It's worth noting that the iOS 7 update will also be available for existing iPhones, including the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5. (Owners of the original iPad or iPhone 3GS are out of luck.)


Apple has kitted out the iPhone 5S with its latest processor. The Apple A7 combines a new 64-bit architecture with improved processing capabilities, which it says will result in a doubling of the speed of the phone compared with the iPhone 5.
Coupled to the new A7 processor is a new co-processor called the M7. Its job is to collect data from the phone's various sensors, including the GPS and accelerometers. It can process that data without the main A7 chip. That could be used for monitoring health or movement data without waking the heftier chip, thus saving energy.

Battery life

Apple claims that the iPhone 5S gets equal or better battery life than the iPhone 5 and earlier generations for everything but standby time (where the iPhone 4 claimed up to 300 hours' standby time - 12 and a half days - against 250 hours, or 10.4 days, for the new models). It claims 10 hours' 3G talk time (against 8 previously), 10 hours' LTE browsing (8 previously), and 3G, Wi-Fi, video and music playback unchanged at 8, 10, 10 and 40 hours respectively. Real-life battery usage will, of course, vary.


With the inclusion in a mass-market phone of a fingerprint sensor, Apple could potentially remove the need for constant use of passwords, and truly enhance the mobile user experience. Internally, the addition of the M7, shift to 64-bit processing, and inclusion of many more LTE bands while also improving battery life is important too.
Yet you would be pushed to tell the difference between them from a quick visual inspection. Of course, the internal parts have been upgraded, and the new camera system could make a real difference to your photos.
Smartphones aren't all about internal specifications, and are much more about experiences, which is something Apple is very good at delivering. Combined with the new iOS 7, the iPhone 5S should be very

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 - launch day

Today is Samsung Galaxy S4 launch day, and the fervour associated with the new Galaxy S4 is already outstripping that of the Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3, both of which nabbed 'phone of the year' titles in recent times.
If you needed a barometer of this, just look at how the Galaxy S3 was unveiled. Not at MWC like lots of others, but its own event, proving the Galaxy line has reached the level where it can guarantee hoards will come just for an unveiling - and today, on 14 March in New York, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is going to land at its own event. It's an event that hasn't gone unnoticed by Apple - it seems to be making Phil Schiller rather nervous.
more detailes @

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Codul de Condutita

    Membrii TeleConsult au obligatia de a fi independenti fata de orice alta companie de telecomunicatii si de asemnea sa respecte acest cod de conduita pe care il vor semna la inceperea colaborarii cu TeleConsult.
     Fiecare membru TeleConsult are obiligatia profesionala de a avea o atitudine corecta si respectuasa fata de toti clientii, actuali sau fosti, colegi sau public.
     Fiecare membru TeleConsult are obligatia profesionala de a adera la standardele TeleConsult de corectitudine in toate circumstantele.
     Nici un membru TeleConsult nu va fi implicat in activitati ce vor genera conflicte de interese si nici nu se va pune pe el insusi sau  TeleConsult in situatii ce genereaza conflicte de interese sau care ar putea periclita relatia profesionala cu alti membri sau clienti TeleConsult.
     Fiecare membru TeleConsult are obligatia de a pastra confidentialitatea datelor clientilor actuali sau fosti si nu se va angaja in activitati care vor avea ca urmare dezvaluirea de informatii confidentiale.                    
      Nici un membru TeleConsult, fost sau actual, nu va furniza informatii false sau inselatoare si va face tot ce ii va sta in putinta pentru a evita generarea de informatii false sau inselatoare.
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     Daca un membru TeleConsult are dovezi ca un alt membru se face vinovat de violarea prezentului cod de conduita are obligatia de a raporta acest incident conducerii TeleConsult.
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     Este imperativ ca nici un membru TeleConsult sa nu fie angajat in activitati de parteneriat sau orice alte activitati (gen angajat-anagajator, colaborare, nereducand-u-se doar la acestea) cu alte companii care furnizeaza produse sau servicii de telecomunicatii.

Ó TeleConsult 2011

"Clientul pe primul loc!"

   "Clientul pe primul loc!" aceasta sintagma sta la baza multor companii de telecomunicatiii, dar punerea ei in practica este arbitrara si de ce mai multe ori greu de realizat. In cele mai multe cazuri legatura dintre companie si client se face prin intermediul agentului de vanzari, agent care - pe cate este de omeneste posibil - v-a servii interesele partii care il recompenseaza. Este adevarat fara client compania nu ar avea cui sa vanda produsul dar de la strategii de vanzare, misiuni, viziuni, etc si pana la produsul finit care ajunge sa fie prezentat potentialului client de catre un agent de vanzari, la randul lui cu familie, rate, panuri de viitor, aspiratii, este drum lung. Si pe acest drum de la "Clientul pe primul loc" se ajunge de cele mai multe ori la "Eu pe primul loc".
TeleConsult propune o abordare diferita, in care prin modul de a colabora, clientul se afla in centrul procesului de negociere. Filosofia TeleConsult, Codul de Conduita, modul unic in care propunem sa decurga orice vanzare, ne pun fara indoiala in slujba clientilor nostrii, deoarece interesul lor este si interesul nostru: o factura mai mica!
   Lucrurile sunt simple, daca pentru aceleasi produse si servicii oferite de o companie de teleomunicatii veti platii mai putin, marja de profit a acelei companii se diminueaza, drept urmare nu exista un interes pentru ca factura dumneavoastra sa fie mai mica.
De cate ori nu ati fost nevoiti sa semnati un contract pe cel putin doi ani? Sau sa cumparati inca 3,5,10 cartele sim (numere noi)? Sau pur si simplu sa trebuiasca sa achizitionati produse si servicii noi in locul celor la care doreati sa renuntati pentru a avea facturi mai mici?
TeleConsult negocieaza alaturi de dumneavoastra cu reprezentantii companiilor de telecomunicatii, dupa ce in prealabil face o analiza a istoricului serviciilor contractate cat si stabilirea unor obiective pentru viitor. Astfel rezultatul negocierii, produsul final pe care TeleConsult il promoveaza, este achizitionarea unui pachet de servicii care sa satisfaca atat nevoile cat si bugetul dumneavoastra, adaptat nevoilor actuale dar care de asemenea este in concordanta cu palnurile dumneavoastra de viitor.